Celilo: Laurel Canyon Meets the PNW

photoI’ll be honest: I’m not a big fan of Celilo’s occasional new age driftings. But when the group corrals its inner Enya and sticks to its own brand of mellow California 70s rock, it’s fun and groovy and gently rocking, in a Laurel Canyon kind of way. It’s a sound as airy as sea foam, but rooted, too, like a sequoia. If that makes any sense.

Which it probably doesn’t. Suffice it to say, if you like Bread or the soft-rock revivalist band Midlake, you’ll most likely dig Celilo. Check out two of my favorite cuts from their latest album, Buoy Bell, below. The group plays McMenamins properties on the regular -with two upcoming at the White Eagle and Boon’s Treasury, so if you dig ’em, check ’em out live!

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